Parcel supports importing WebGL shaders using the @parcel/transformer-glsl plugin. When a .glsl, .vert or .frag file is detected, it will be installed into your project automatically.

Example usage


GLSL files are imported into JavaScript as a string, which you can load into a WebGL context.

import frag from './shader.frag'

// ...
gl.shaderSource(..., frag);
// ...



Parcel also supports dependencies within GLSL files using a pragma, including from libraries in node_modules. These are bundled together into a single shader that you can load into a WebGL context.

import frag from './shader.frag';

// ...
gl.shaderSource(..., frag);
// ...
// import a function from another file
#pragma glslify: calc_frag_color = require('./lib.glsl')

precision mediump float;
varying vec3 vpos;

void main() {
gl_FragColor = calc_frag_color(vpos);
// import a function from node_modules
#pragma glslify: noise = require('glsl-noise/simplex/3d')

vec4 calc_frag_color(vec3 pos) {
return vec4(noise(pos * 25.0), 1);

// export a function
#pragma glslify: export(calc_frag_color)